Friday, November 09, 2007

Spending money we don't have..

I love doing this! Especially when it ends up being spent on something that we really didn't need, that's just a kick in the face.. We took my son to the eye doctor today to make sure he wasn't going blind.. and of course he's not.. and of course we find out that 9 out of 10 screenings done in school are inaccurate, so the fact that his eyesight was supposedly deteriorating at an alarming rate, wasn't necessarily the case. AND, of course our insurance (like most insurances) only pays for one eye exam a year, even if you're married to a neurotic paranoid man like my husband.. yea, there's no co pay for that!
Basically, it cost us 95 big ones to find out that his eyes are fine, and there has been little change.. Which IS great, but damnh that's one expensive way to get my husband to relax..
Anyway, my husband and his band are playing out tonight, but I'll be home with my sick kids (btw, they are now ALL sick!) But my plan is to get some cleaning done while I enjoy a few drinks and maybe watch a movie, who am I kidding? There will most likely be no cleaning.. And then tomorrow we're going to have a bon fire to burn a tree that my husband cut down 2 years ago.. and I'm making a Halloween cake for my youngest son.. better late than never! ;) Have a great weekend!

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