Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Irish River Dancing..

My oldest son is a boy with many talents, some that only emerge on special occasions, like when company is over. My sis and her babies were over today, and we had the Wiggles playing (for her 2 1/2 year old- huge fan!) And he says "Why is my toe tapping to the music?" Like he couldn't understand why this catchy, infectious Wiggles song was making his body involuntarily move. And then he said "Is this a jig??" "yea.. I bet you could do the river dance to it" So, he gets up out of his chair, and his legs go flipping and flailing, and his body goes up and down. In a very serious manner, trying to get it just right. It was a most amazing effort, and friggin hysterical. I couldn't help comment under my breath to my sister how "yag backwards" it looked. (what is yag spelled backwards??) Anyway, I love that he just got up and did it. It was the cutest thing! And yes, it did look a little yag backwards! But we loved every second of it!


Anonymous said...

Please- it was for her 2 1/2 year-old daughter. We all know it was your 35 year-old sister who wanted to hear those Wiggles.

Leigh said...

maybe you could sign him up at the Irish Murray Dance school :)

I have to admit....I like the Wiggles too