Seriously, wtf?? I guess people without kids don't seem to notice, or care, but with the sun setting and rising at different times, it really fucks with naps and just bedtimes in general. And yes, the "extra" hour of sleep is nice, if in fact any of my kids wanted to "sleep in" But they're 7, 4, and 15 months x2, so NO, no one is taking advantage of the extra hour in the morning..
Anyway, time and sleep were the least of my concerns tonight.. My youngest twin burnt her little hand tonight.. on my convection toaster oven.. and why would she be anywhere near my convection oven?? Well, because her and her sister just LOVE to sit on my counter and hang out with me while I cook.. and while I always move my knife caddy, the dish soap and paper towels, the little stove tucked away in the corner of my counter is just not that movable.. And seriously, she only touched it for a split second, but that was all it took for a quarter sized burn to pop up, and cause her to cry for about an hour.. These are the times when I really want to pat myself on the back and high five my husband on my good parenting instincts. That maternal voice saying "Something bad is going to happen one of these days letting the babies up on the counter.." But I really thought it would have been one of the girls pushing off the other.. I'm not sure which is worse..
In other raising kids news.. My oldest son finally lost his 3rd tooth.. after it being loose for almost the entire summer (really, I'm not kidding) my husband talked him into letting us use dental floss and yanking it with the door.. however, at the last second, my husband just yanked the string without aid from the door, and it popped right out. Of course being a cashless household, and the tooth fairy not accepting debit, I had to run to the store and get a 5 spot (yes, for 1 tooth!) we are really setting the bar too high! But at least he didn't swallow the tooth like he did with the first.. do we remember what happened there??
Anyway, it must be midnight.. or at least that's what it feels like with this stupid ass time change.. so I'm off to bed.. Here's a pic of the babies having their last hoorah on the counter..

1 comment:
my hubbie wouldn't win any safety awards in parenting. yesterday, he let he fall right out of a chair while he was putting on her shoes. his excuse...'she leaned.' and then today while washing her hands, he let her get burned in hot water. i swear to god.
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