My sister's mother in law, who is such a sweetheart, sent my kids an Elf on the Shelf.. It's this vintage looking little elf who sits at our house, and keeps tabs on them. Then each night, he reports to Santa on how they're behaving.. it's a helpful tool when they're running wild..
Each night, the elf returns, and sits in a different spot. The next morning, the boys wake up and look for him. Sounds like a nice little game right? Well, it would be except for the fact that since we got this thing last week, my youngest son has been the first one to find him, every morning. Which is really pissing off his older brother. Each morning all week, there have been some sort of melt downs and outburst because of who did or didn't see the stupid elf first. This morning, when they came screaming up the stairs waking up the babies, I told them that I was going to have to ask the elf to go back to the north pole.. if they couldn't find a way to have fun with it. We'll see how tomorrow morning goes, they might just wake up to find a note from that little elf saying he couldn't take the tantrums anymore and that he hopes they have fun with all that coal Santa's going to be bringing them!
Jesus - that would scare the shit out of me if I was a kid - an elf that moved around in the middle of the night...
We have a to year old and I just ordered our elf. I had not heard about it at all until we had a family get together yesterday. Every kid had one on my husbands side of the family. THey all love them, but....we all only have 1 child. THanks for the heads up for the future! Hope your boys find a way to have fun with it! Merry Christmas!!
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