Kind of sounds like something that might come out of ones ass, but it's not. It's 100% recycled wax cardboard, like cereal boxes, and other food type boxes. We got this over the weekend to burn in our wood stove, just in case we lost power.. and I gotta say, I loved it! It burned hot, and once you got past the initial waxy smell (that really didn't linger too long) then we were in heaven! I went back to get more today, but the store was out (effing home depot!) We've decided that with the cost of fuel these days to try and use our wood stove. I was afraid that it wouldn't heat the whole house, but it does.. and warmer than our furnace! It was nice to sit in our living room and not be bundled up in blankets!

Yes, something that comes out your butt after you've eaten, say, salad. As opposed to steak from a genetically engineered cow.
I'm with you on these enviro-logs. 45lb box, 13 bucks at home depot. IF you're looking for more, I found them at both the home depot's in Nashua - Amherst st as well as the one down by exit 6.
I don't even bother with cordwood anymore. These are so much easier to deal with, one log gets me pretty much the same output as about 3-4 pieces of cord, and the burn is very consistent.
The only downside so far is the amount of ash - they make a lot but the ash is very light, telling me that most of the content is doing what it's supposed to do...burn.
I also found some compressed sawdust logs at Building 19. I bought a box but haven't tried them. Same price - 13 bucks for 40lb, but the box is much smaller than the envirolog. I have a feeling that they're going to burn hotter than I would like.
Keep 'em warm,
ag in NH
Unadillawood is an All Wood Log made Right Here In New Hampshire
Unadillawood wants to help New England Families .That is why Unadillawood was created to let you control the Heat in your Home and make it easy for you to do so. Every to of Unadillawood has as much hest as more than a cord of wood and no popping and very little cerosote.
Any one who wants more info may contact Us at
"Unadillawood Is The tiny Company with the Giant Pellet Shaped Log"
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