Or does anyone else want to throttle Rachel Ray? It could be the way she tries to be hip with her cute little acronyms, like e.v.o.o. (extra virgin olive oil) or the way she so wittingly says delish, or the way she exaggerates in the new dunkin donuts promos "I always have like a million pounds of this stuff" referring to, of course, their coffee.. well, No you don't! You suck, and I'm tired of seeing your stupid face on my t.v. My kids even know I can't stand her, although there is some confusion because we buy Ritz crackers with her picture on the box.. well, duh, if I could find a box without her picture that would be one thing. Anyway, I feel better, and I guess now I can go to bed!
I can't stand her! I am so sick of seeing her mug on freaking everything! I can't turn a corner in the grocery store w/out her cheezy grin on a box. The last box of triscuits I bought I took a black marker and made a devil face on it so I didn't have to see her in my kitchen.
She's back
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