Tuesday, February 20, 2007

My First Date..

It wasn't really a date.. I was only 9, and in the third grade.. but he was the cutest boy in class, and he asked me to go to Happy Wheels (the local rollerskating rink). I was totally giddy at the idea of going with him.. he was dark, and handsome, not so much on the tall side.. but what a cutie!
I don't remember a lot about that day in particular, I do remember scrounging up money in case he didn't pay for me.. I think his mom must have taken us..but anyway, it was pretty exciting.. That is until we got there.. We were having fun just skating around. Holding hands a little bit.. The butterflies were afluttering.. And then, from out of nowhere, during a break, he pulled me aside and offered me a cigarette. He had a carton of Marlboro Red's on him. ?? I have no idea how a boy of nine got a carton of butts, but I was totally turned off, and that was the last time we ever had any interaction. I was just terrified.

This story wouldn't be so interesting, if it didn't end like this.. The boy in this story turned out to be a semi famous rock star.. Aaron Lewis, the frontman of the band Staind. He was in true rock star fashion even at 9 years old! I always wondered what happened to him, and it wasn't until a few years ago, that I saw a video of his, and knew instantly who he was.. Good for him that his rock star ways got him somewhere!

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

He got those cigarettes at the same store we used to get mom's! Times have changed- it's no longer cute (or legal) to send your 9 year old into the store to buy butts for you...
He was so very rock star, though...