Tuesday, December 18, 2007


What is it about this word that makes me throw up in my mouth just a little bit every time I hear it? My sister and I were trying to think of other words that have the same feeling when you hear them, but came up with nothing. I know they're out there, but nothing is worse than MOIST. ick..


Anonymous said...

chunk? kind of a gross word...or how about two words "lacerated labia" ;)

Leigh said...

I think "mucous" rates up there.

Heidi said...


Unknown said...

Those are all very good! Pus is another one.. and what about nostril? I've never liked that one either..

Leigh said...

ohhhh "pus" yuck! "The pus filled scab became moist as the mucous traveled down"
There! The grossest sentence ever!