Today is my oldest son's 6th birthday. He woke up at 5:30 so that I could wish him a happy birthday.. Today I volunteered in his class room, and had a great time watching him. I hadn't done this since last fall, and was so happy to see him so much more comfortable. He really is such a sweet boy, and I could tell how much the teacher enjoys him. I brought everyone a rice crispy treat (which one girl took one bite, and told me she hated it) Whatever, who doesn't like a friggin rice crispy treat?? Anyway, I was there for a few hours, and got to sing Happy Birthday to my son with the rest of the class. I'll miss this when he goes to 1st grade, I don't think they offer the same volunteering options.. I'm assuming there'll come a day when he won't want me near his school, so I'm eating up every bit of it while I can. Every time he walked by, or was close to me, he stopped to give me a hug.. It was so sweet.
Then I came home to my youngest son having an absolute melt down about some toy that my mother had gotten him... It's hard to please that one! He turns 3 next week, but as far as he knows, it's his birthday today too. I don't see the point of stretching out this exhausting celebration until next week.. We're having a cookout for them tomorrow.. Something small (only 30 or so people- that's small right??) But the weather is going to be nice, unlike last year, and I get to see a lot of my friends that I don't see that often. Everyone has been very generous in helping me out as well.. I've still got a ton to do- but it's all pretty easy stuff.. Sleeping is going to feel sooo good tonight!!
"whatever, who doesn't like a friggin rice crispy treat?"
You made me laugh out loud!
He's such a sweet guy! He's not going to push you away any time soon, even R greets me with a hug and a kiss on the ballfield in front of his teammates. He loves his grandma. So you have several years before W starts being embarrassed about PDAs with mom.Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy!!
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