Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I realized that I hadn't blogged about my nephew in some time.. I guess I'm trying to keep myself from thinking about how he's just wasting his life.. and making stupid decisions. Here's his plan.. He's going to go back to school in the fall (God knows where, he hasn't applied anywhere yet) He's going to live in Durham with 2 of his former roommates. He's already signed a lease and paid the down payment. Oh, this is an on campus apartment, that he can live in for 9 months, pay over $500 a month for a ONE bedroom apt. which he has to pay for in full, and have no place to park his car (he'll have to pay extra for that)
He also lost his license for 90 days last week.. This stems from his arrest at UNH back in October. So, he's begging for rides (we're pretty much refusing any help.. he can borrow my husband's bike if he's that desperate).
So, that's what's been up with him. We had originally given him until this month to have a plan together, and his shit together. We're not expecting anything at this point.. but when these babies come this summer, he's going to need to make some other plans.. We're running out of room, and this may sound harsh, but we've done all we can for him!

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