Wednesday, May 10, 2006


I've decided to try something else for my back/hip pain. As much as the half doctor helped me in the beginning, I'm afraid it's not enough. This might sound crazy, but I'm hopefully going to try Reiki. I have a friend that I used to work with that is a Reiki Master. I emailed her tonight to see if she has some time to reiki me. I told my husband about this, he kind of just looked at me like I may have been a bit nuts.. I know that "hands on healing" sounds a little bizarre, but I really believe that it works. A few years ago, after visiting the dentist, I could barely open my mouth. I've had 2 jaw surgeries that have made it near impossible to have my mouth open for extended periods of time. (this has been a big disappointment to my husband.. ewh! I know..gross!) Anyway, she performed reiki, it took about 5 minutes, and right after that, I could open wide. All she did was move her hands over my jaw. It was amazing. So, that's the direction I'm heading in. I'm only hoping that she has time, the sooner the better!!

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

The reiki master should be calling you shortly... I just forwarded her email to you... she wants your home number so she can set something up quickly.... she'll take very good care of you- I bet it will make a huge difference to you!!! Glad you called her!