Monday, May 22, 2006

My husband had his job interview last week. He looked so cute dressed in his shirt/tie/sweater/and tweed jacket.. I don't think he ended up wearing all of the clothes because it was going to be in the 70's that day, and sweating during the interview might not be the best impression you want to make.
He thinks it was a terrible interview, and that he screwed it up- but if you knew him, you would expect him to say such things. I'm sure he did just fine. There's something very reassuring about talking to him. He's a great teacher, and very talented artist, plus the principle knows him there, so he's got a few things going in his favor. He'll find out this week if he gets it or not. They were interviewing 8 other people..
So, I heard from my dutch friend amvdk.. It was so nice to finally connect with her. She sent a picture of herself and her two children. They of course are beautiful blond haired/blue eyed cuties. And she looks exactly the way I remember her from 17 years ago.. She claims that I haven't changed either.. I just love friends like that!!
Well, I'm off to take the kids's windy and a bit cold, but the boys are getting restless.. and I need to run them down a bit!!

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