Monday, May 29, 2006

My first false alarm..

I just got back from the hospital. I spent most of the afternoon counting contractions.. I've been having trial runs with them (aka braxton hicks) for a couple of weeks now. Today they were different, in that they were more consistent. I knew that if I had more than 4 in an hour I would have to call the dr. Which I did..she told me to hydrate myself (which I had been doing) And to call back if they continued (which they did). I went into the Family center at the local hospital, and they hooked me up to fetal monitors, and a contraction monitor. I only had a couple small ones when I was there, which is good, but of course I felt like an idiot because they weren't like the ones I was having at home. My husband was with me, he just kept saying "it's too early" or was giving me crap about the false alarm.. We both agreed though that it was better to be safe than sorry. The nurse checked my cervix, which was in perfect shape..and then sent me home. She was wonderful though and told me not to ever worry about calling, or coming back in. Twins puts me in a high risk catergory, and you can't take any chances.. So that's been my Memorial Day in a nut shell.. My husband is currently grilling chicken, and trying to stay out of my way.. he doesn't understand why I've been a tad crabby lately.. that's my senisitive artist..

1 comment:

something from me said...

Good luck with the twins.
For some light relief try:

keep up the good work