Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The kids can barely wait.. Santa is coming, even if I've threatened them within an inch of their lives. He'll still be popping down the chimney in less than 10 days.. much to the concern of my younger kids about the space issue (how will he fit down our small chimney? and what if we forget to let the fire go out??) Poor dubs.. I'm not nearly as ready as I would like to be.. I started out with a bang, then flopped hard! That's ok though, like every year, I'll be ready.. dammit!
My youngest son (who has been cast free for almost 3 weeks) has grown new hair on his arm. Really, dark, long hair. It's weird, and kind of gross. I found out it's from having the cast on for so long, and the hair folicles growing to help with the irritation of the cast. My husband wondered if he should put a cast on his head, and grow some hair up there.. Not sure it would have the same effect.. of course he's not going bald either, just receeding a bit. But I've assured him that I will still love him when his hair is only growing out of his ears..
These pics were taken with our new camera (an early gift to my husband and I, from my husband and I) I've wanted a good camera for a long time (so I can take pictures of my kids toes..) and yay, now I have one! I have some reading to do, and lots of practice,  but so far I'm loving it! Merry Christmas!!!


Heidi said...

nice pictures! the girls have changed a lot since i last saw them. for the 1st time i can actually see differences in them, not that i know which is which, I think Q is in the 1st pic???

Unknown said...

Heidi, you're right! they are both a little snotty, and chapped.. but they really do look different in these pics! playdate soon? maybe after the holidays..

Mrs. Ballard said...

I love your camera!! Great pictures! And your kids are so cute! And I'm with Heidi- the girls look so different here!