Monday, December 28, 2009

Thank God that's Over!!

I love the holidays, I really do. But once Christmas day has passed, I am ready to clean up the house, and make it look like Christmas was never here. Luckily, no one cares that I feel this way, thus enabling me to just pull it all down and pack it up til next year.. I actually waited 3 days this year to get it put away (but only because I was in an ugly, after Christmas funk- much like my husband was..) But I woke up this morning, had a meeting with our builder, found out that he's starting work tomorrow and had to clean out some clutter in the lower level, and just went nuts from there. It feels good in here.. I can breath again.
The kids had a great Christmas, and got a ton of stuff.. one of the main reasons I felt the need to purge. The girls finally got into it this year..after each gift, my oldest twin would come up to me and say "just one more mama" it was cute. They have had endless hours of fun with their new toys. All which are doll, or princess related. It's funny to have girls in the house, especially such girly ones. Being a recovering tom boy, it's hard to understand the love for everything pink, and glittery. But I love it anyway.
Well, I'm currently cooking dinner (noodles..) I did enough cooking over the past week that I can get away with something simple..and something that won't make any one of them cry. I'm heading back to work in a few as well.. I  miss it.. mommy needs a break!

Monday, December 21, 2009

This and That..

Well, I finished my Christmas shopping this morning.. as least I think I have.. I'm sure I'll remember something and have to run out again, but the bulk is bought, and wrapped.. Now I'm trying to nail down the menu for Christmas Eve.. and will have to eventually do some more shopping for that.
My boys are beyond excited. It's been a countdown for the past month.. they are good counters let me tell you! My girls (who are 3 1/2)  pretty much haven't grasped the concept. They are far too busy bossing me around, and clawing each others eyes out. It's heart warming, really.
The plans for my mothers in law apartment are pretty much a go. We should hopefully see some work started within the next couple of weeks. I know she's looking forward to having more space than our playroom, and I'm looking forward to a new master suite.. we've never had our own bathroom before!! I will be banning my boys from using it, that is unless the little one gets better aim and can hit the bowl rather than the floor, or the radiator (that's leaving a wonderful smell in my bathroom!!)
We were invited yesterday to our neighbors house for their annual cookie decorating party. It was a lot of fun. They are really nice people. The girls pretty much lost their shit when their very cute, little dog, got too close. I ended up bringing them home and asking my mom to watch them.. she didn't mind, and again we reaped the benefits of having her living with us..
Anyway, I have a ton of stuff that I should be doing, rather than blogging.. I would kill for a good nap, but that is exactly what I would have to do to get one. Kill. So, instead I'll do my dishes, and my laundry and get more bricks for the fire.. and then decorate a gingerbread house when the boys get home, make dinner, go to work, get home from work, get the kids ready for bed.. and eventually pass out. Sounds good, huh?

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fabric Buttons..

Something new for the holidays.. plenty of my family will be getting one of these pretty little fabric buttons.. to either put on a coat, a purse, shirt.. whatever.. My niece has her very own, which she was thirlled to get.. her only concern was whether or not her mom knew how to use a safety pin! haha.. she may not be the most domestic of people, but I'm pretty sure she can swing pinning it on!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

The kids can barely wait.. Santa is coming, even if I've threatened them within an inch of their lives. He'll still be popping down the chimney in less than 10 days.. much to the concern of my younger kids about the space issue (how will he fit down our small chimney? and what if we forget to let the fire go out??) Poor dubs.. I'm not nearly as ready as I would like to be.. I started out with a bang, then flopped hard! That's ok though, like every year, I'll be ready.. dammit!
My youngest son (who has been cast free for almost 3 weeks) has grown new hair on his arm. Really, dark, long hair. It's weird, and kind of gross. I found out it's from having the cast on for so long, and the hair folicles growing to help with the irritation of the cast. My husband wondered if he should put a cast on his head, and grow some hair up there.. Not sure it would have the same effect.. of course he's not going bald either, just receeding a bit. But I've assured him that I will still love him when his hair is only growing out of his ears..
These pics were taken with our new camera (an early gift to my husband and I, from my husband and I) I've wanted a good camera for a long time (so I can take pictures of my kids toes..) and yay, now I have one! I have some reading to do, and lots of practice,  but so far I'm loving it! Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 08, 2009

New Sewing Machine..

I got a new sewing machine over the weekend. My old one died.. which I was quite happy that it finally did. It's amazing how much better, and how much easier my sewing has become with a new machine. I also got a sweet deal.. this bag is for my nephew's girlfriend..who btw, does not read my blog (at least not that I'm aware of) Anyway, I hope she likes it..
I'm also thinking of opening an etsy shop in the spring.. maybe. The thing about doing that means I'm really putting myself out there. I'm not sure if I want to do that. Rejection is not something I'm good with..

Friday, December 04, 2009

We have been busy here getting ready for the holidays.. Our elf on the shelf has returned, and once again my memory is put to the test. It would seem a simple task to remember something that you have to do every night (moving the elf to a new hiding place) but surprisingly, I've already forgotten once. I'm determined to do better though..
I've also been busy making gifts.. my mother in law has asked me to make my sister in law a new bag.. paid of course. Which I've already finished. I love the new bag. I've also almost mastered making wallets. My last one had a zipper. It's a big deal for me... to put a zipper on.. and no, I'm sure when I turned into my grandmother, maybe a few years ago.. I also learned how to make these cute little fabric flowers, thanks to miss crafty pants and her tutorial. Here's how it turned out..