Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The girls had their 6 week check up this morning. It went well, except for all the crying and all the shots. They weighed in at 8.4 and 8.1 lbs. That's about a 3 pound weight gain in a month! I was thrilled about that! My mother in law came with me to help out. I love her dearly, but honestly I sometimes wonder how she raised 6 kids on her own! She started off trying to wake up one of the babies before we even made it into the office.. just by talking to her. Then moments later with the same baby, she tried shoving the pacifier into her mouth (while she was sleeping..) Anyway, it wasn't a total loss bringing her, she did watch my youngest son while I was talking to the dr. and came in handy when I needed to give one a bottle.
Anyway, we're home now and the girls are sleeping off the torture they endured.. This Friday my mom is staying over and my husband and I are going out! I can't wait! This will be the first time that I've gone out somewhere besides the grocery store! Well, one of the girls is up.. gotta go!!

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

I can't believe how big they're getting and that they're already 6 (almost 7) weeks old! You should be so proud that you're breastfeeding! Most moms with twins don't even bother to try but you've been doing it successfully for all this time!