Monday, February 25, 2008

Going outside is not always good for you..

It was in the 40's today, so this afternoon, I insisted that my boys get on their snow gear and go outside, and have some fun. My husband went out with them, and about 10 minutes later, I can hear my youngest son screaming. Great, I'm thinking his brother must have done some benign thing that has thrown him into a tantrum. That is until I see him at our slider with blood dripping down his arm.
He had been playing in the snow near a pile of crap that my husband has outside, and in the process he sliced his ring finger, right through his glove, on our old toilet. My husband had smashed it with a sledgehammer this fall, and put it in a box and just left it there. I'm not blaming him, I'm just saying.
So, after we mopped up the blood, and got his finger to stop bleeding, he asked for a cup of water. Warm water. Ok, he then placed his entire hand in the cup, to make it feel better. About 20 minutes later, when he finally decides to take his hand out of the cup, he freaks out because his hand is a big prune. I had to remind him what fingers and toes look like after being in water for a while (like how it looks after a bath)
Anyway, I guess we lucked out today because the cut wasn't bad enough for stitches.. While we were sitting on the kitchen floor with a paper towel trying to get it to stop bleeding, my son is wailing about not wanting to go to the doctor.. at that point I had no idea what the cut looked like because there was so much blood. I thought for a bit that we'd be taking him to the E.R. and there was no way they were going to be able to glue this one!
I worry about that boy.. He's always falling, or tripping, or cutting something open. He does know how to milk his injuries though.. when he asked for pretzels, I gave him some, and then for orange juice, and then goldfish, and when I told him he was going to have dinner soon, he freaked out and I just gave him some more goldfish.. My oldest son thought he would jump on that band wagon too, and started whining about how it wasn't fair that his brother was going to have goldfish for dinner, and I said that when he slices his finger open, he can have whatever he wants for his dinner.. After thinking about that for a minute he comes to me and says he doesn't think he'll ever slice open his finger, and for that reason it's not fair that he should have to eat dinner that isn't goldfish. ugh.. When I left for work, all four of them were sitting on the couch with their goldfish..

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