Friday, October 24, 2008

My Week..

Oh what a crazy fun filled week I've had.. let's see.. I'm feeling better (thank you) The cold has settled nicely in my chest, so I'm only wheezing, but not blowing my nose nearly as much. We got turned down by the owners of the house we want, I can't say as I blame them, I would never accept an offer with a contingency in this market, but I had fun decorating my new house in my head.. it's still on the market, so the chance is still there that one day we can buy it (although the chance is slim to none, it's a chance nonetheless!) Yesterday I got so wrapped up in facebook, that I totally missed getting my oldest son off the bus, something that has NEVER happened to me, and hopefully never will. I will add though (as a lame attempt to defend myself) the bus was a good 5-7 minutes early.. I'm just sayin.. Anyway, I expected to see a tearful distraught boy get off the bus when I met it at his school, but he was actually fine. Thank god. I don't think I've ever gotten out of my house as quickly as I did yesterday, with 3 of my 4 kids in tow. I actually beat the bus back to school! Yeah me.. ok, so anyway, today I went to Heidi's for a play date, with Lnotes (Ctale was too snot ridden to join us). It was so much fun, and really, the mellowest play date I've ever been to. The 4 girls there, ranging from 16 months to 2 1/2 all played so well together.. although they really just played around each other, and I don't know how Heidi has managed to raise such a sweet girl (not that she isn't capable) But how many 2 1/2 year olds do you know that don't freak out when someone else is playing with all their toys?? Really. I've never witnessed that before. She is an angel! And I'm sure Heidi is thinking "Sure, but you should have seen her after you left!" and normally I would believe that sure, she's probably the devil with her cute little doggie shirt, and adorable blond hair, but I don't buy it! She's precious!
Anyway, I'm off to put my girls to bed, and enjoy a night alone (the hubbers is practicing tonight..) then tomorrow we're going to finish the soccer season (finally) and hopefully have a nice relaxing afternoon, with a nap for me! :)


McPolack said...

I am sorry about your house. My sister put an offer in on her first place only to have it rejected after the owner (who is like 93) flew in from Florida to interview all the potential buyers...apparently he wants to make sure the family home is well taken care of even though it is, ahem, not in the best of shape...Moo thinks she lost out because she didn't offer enough money.

Anonymous said...

sucks about the house.
and don't worry about the kid. I think having 78 facebook friends is much more important than having all 4 kids- what's one less?

Leigh said...

Friday was so much fun. I hope you're feeling better, I hate the last parts of a cold and how it hangs on.
Your house is out there, and I am hopeful it won't be much longer til you find it.