Wednesday, December 07, 2005

There's a huge hole in my roof. We're paying for it to be there.. and someday it'll be our new master bedroom (I shouldn't say "master", that makes it sound big.. and it's going to be rather small) But it's still going to give us some extra room none the less! However, at this very moment, it's just a big hole.. and it's getting a bit drafty in our house. We've been promised some walls before the impending snow storm on Friday.. but walls don't worry me so much as a roof! Aw well, it'll all be worth it someday.. we'll just throw another jacket on.. and bundle the boys up good..

1 comment:

YouWho said...

I was wondering when you were going to blog about what the heck was going on over there! As I pulled up to the stop sign the other day I saw a guy on the roof and then realized I was looking at part of your home interior where your roof shouild be. I can't imagine how much snow is in that hole tonight!