Friday, September 07, 2012

I must be insane..

3 of my 4 kids are playing soccer this year. The girls will be on an all girls 1st and 2nd grade team, and my youngest son is on a co-ed 3rd and 4th grade team, which personally, I find a bit strange considering that there is only one girl on his team..but whatev's, it's not like I'm the coach or anything... but I am one of the assistant coaches. wtf, right? This thought has been running through my mind since I reluctantly agreed to help out. I've never coached anything before, and the idea sorta kinda scares me a bit. I'll be helping out on my son's team, and surprisingly, he's pretty excited about it. No doubt because he knows I'm awesome! yea, right.
My husband has already made it clear that he wants no part of it. Which is fine, I really don't need him to be a part of it. I would only like pointers, since he coaches soccer at the school he teaches at. And this, by the way, was the reason he didn't want anything to do with it, because he already does it. Fine.
So, there's a head coach, and two assistants. I happen to be the one assistant with a vagina. Unbenounced to the head coach that I was in fact sporting a va-jay-jay,  he sent me and the other guy an email that started with "Gents". I couldn't correct him. I should have, but I couldn't. I'm waiting til I meet him tomorrow. I don't blame him for assuming I'm a guy, that happens to me all the time. The Navy and the Army were in hot pursuit of me during my senior year in high school, and my name was the reason I didn't get on campus housing in college because they thought I was a guy (apparently, registering late back in the 90's meant ladies first, and since it was clear I was NO was a room in a boarding house, whatev's, I never could have lived with all those girls! yikes!)

I'm looking forward to getting to see my son up close, and be a part of something that I've always loved.. I miss soccer. I used to be really good at it. And I'm gonna be really pissed if I can't play in the parents vs. kids game at the end of the year.. here's a pic or two of me kicking some 8 year old ass last year!

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