Thursday, June 09, 2005

Yoda returns..

This should be an addendum to my poop story, but I thought this one deserved it's own spot in my blog.. The other day my oldest son went to the potty, spent his usual 15 minutes working up a good poop, then called me in to "help" him wipe.. and when I say help, I mean do it myself cause he's not at all into doing this particular chore by himself. Anyway, when he got off the toilet, I noted out loud, that his poop was a funky green color. After a brief thought, I said it must have been the box of star wars fruit snacks him and his brother had shared the other day. I had no idea how this was going to translate to my son, but so innocently he replied "yea, it must have been yoda in my poop"

1 comment:

Ezili said...

I'll never look at Yoda the same way again... :(