Friday, February 10, 2006

This may be Un-American of me..

but I am sooooo dreading the start of the olympics tonight.. I hate what it does to regularly scheduled programming, and that we're forced to hear about it for how long?? 2 weeks?? I don't even know where Torino is..jesus, I can't believe I just admitted that.. Is it in Italy? Ugh, I don't care.. it just means that I'm going to have to be turning off the tv even earlier than I already do cause nothing will be on! It's just like when someone really important dies, and you have to sit through all the news briefs about how fabulous they were.. I guess I'll be catching up on some rentals that I've been wanting to see.. I could care less how fast someone can skate, or how high some skier can jump.. And that's not un-American, that's just me being a girl tired of all the attention sports get!


YouWho said...

You can watch the last 4 episodes of Arrested Development instead!

Sheesh, what a way to say "f u" while sending off a show... play four final episodes back-to-back against some huge sports event. At least they're not against the Superbowl.

Ezili said...

I agree. It's a bit of overkill on the Olympics. The news programs give us the highlights; that's all we need.

Granite said...

The thing is, the ratings skyrocket when the women's ice skating events take place. Go figure!

Torino - sounds like a fizzy bottled tonic that clubbers mix with Old Grandad to keep em going.