Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Transformers..more than meets the eye..

This is what my boys have dived into this month. They are all "into" the Transformers.. and quite frankly, it's driving me crazy. I think they're fun toys for them, and are quite good for their fine motor skills- if in fact they did any of the transforming themselves. My oldest one can do his on his own for the most part. But the little one.. ugh, he's constantly bringing them over to me to transform, and some of them aren't so easy. My husband can do them with little effort, but not me.. And if my youngest is having a bad day, or a "moment" then he can be quite demanding with the transformers, crying if I don't change them back and forth every two seconds.. he was like that today. And did I mention how expensive some of them are? And how hard they are to find, specific ones anyway..
However, I'm looking ahead to all the girl toys that are going to be in my house in the near future. I'm not a girly girl by any means, but I can't wait to get dolls for my girls, and have tea parties.. I never did that when I was a kid.. I was a total tomboy, and the idea of having dolls and girly things just repulsed me.. When I was 5, I made everyone call me Eric, and asked my mom how I could get one of those "peanuckle" things.. Who knows.. maybe my girls will be the same way.. but I'm keeping them away from those friggin transformers!!

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