Wednesday, April 18, 2007

My husband was out of school today due to the flooding. He's hardly worked this week, and I think he's getting a bit tired of being home with the wife and kiddo's.. poor schmuck!
My youngest son is having his first speech therapy appointment tomorrow, from the comfort of our own home.. It's going to be interesting to see how she is going to keep his attention for an hour. I'm hoping the girls will nap, and things can be rather calm.. but I doubt it! It's a hell of a lot easier than having to pack everyone into the car and go somewhere, so I'll just suck it up, clean my house, and hope it all goes well.
We finally got some teeth in.. well, one of the babies did.. she got two this morning.. she's been a bit cranky, and I've been loading her up with tylenol, but I think we're in the clear with her for a while.. Now it's on to her sister. She's been the mild mannered one lately, but that's all going to change as her teeth rupture up through her little gums.. 4o teeth! That's what I'm going to look forward to! ugh..
Anyway, I'm hoping that the rain stops, and my husband can get back to work.. it's going to be a long week otherwise.. he's home on vacation all of next week.. yee ha!

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