Friday, October 23, 2009

Back to Boston...

Yesterday I took my son to get the pins taken out of his elbow. Another trip into Boston, and thankfully a trip home that did not take me 3 hours. I think I may have mastered leaving the city!!
My poor poor little boy.. can I say, he was so brave.. and so very good. I can't imagine what it must feel like to have a broken elbow, held together with pins, and a huge cast.. nor can I  imagine having the cast removed, having it xrayed and then having 2 large pins taken out with a pair of pliers. yes, pliers. He was however, a trooper, much like I expected. They didn't let him leave without the cast though, so he got a new one. Which means we are going back down again in a couple of weeks to finally have it gone for good. Oh, and btw, I won't be joining him on this trip, my husband is taking him. Really.
On the way home yesterday, my son told me that it didn't hurt when they took out the pins. It just tickled. When I asked him if that was why he screamed, he said yes. Cutie..

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