Wednesday, October 14, 2009

New Curtains..

My fabulous fabric arrived yesterday, and it was all I could do not to lock up the kids in their rooms and just sew away.. I did however, find the time between tantrums and hair pulling to cut the fabric and get it hemmed, and now they are hanging beautifully in my living room.. My husband came home last night and saw them hanging on the rods (all pinned up) and decided he didn't like them. I am convinced though that they will grow on him.. they are afterall beautiful, and handcrafted by yours truly.. Oh how I have missed being creative.. I say this everytime I sew, and then my crazy life spins me in a different direction. Anyway, here they are.. let me know what you think.. I could use a "hell yeah"!!


Heidi said...

i think they look lovely and i really like that print. even better than the first print you had chosen.

Beth P. said...

Love them! Nice job! That is a really pretty pattern.

McPolack said...

Hell yeah! They're lovely and you are so talented.