Wednesday, January 07, 2009

The House That Won't Sell.. a.k.a. MY HOUSE!!!

So once again, my hopes of moving my family into a bigger house has been dashed. Son of a bitch. The past few days have been like a living nightmare. First of all, we had our inspection here on Friday. We got news on Monday that the buyer didn't want anything fixed that was discovered in the report. Great! And secondly, she didn't want to have the septic inspected because she figured if it's not broken, why fix it. Great!
Then, the next day, Tuesday, I woke up with the worst ear pain I have ever experienced. After seeing my doctor and learning that I had a full blown ear infection, I was giving some antibiotics and sent on my way. I came home to my full house of kids and my mother, to learn that my realtor had called. I figured she had some news on the house we were trying to get, and the copy of the inspection that had been done 2 months ago. But soon I found out that the reason for her call was to tell me that the 37 year old buyer, had forwarded the inspection report to her mother in Florida, the same woman who had been a thorn in our side for over a month. We knew it was a matter of time before the smooth sailing would end, and the mother who was financing her daughter was again going to be a thorn in our side.
Turns out, the mother wasn't nearly as unreasonable as this woman's step father. He went through the 32 page inspection report, and insisted that we fix everything. Including things such as the lock on our slider, which works just fine, but is at the bottom of the door, and he wanted it on the top. He also went through it and added deductions which totaled well over what we were willing to drop our price to. For example, he wanted $1,000 off for an unfinished threshold in the basement. Something that would literally cost about $10 to fix. ugh..
When I saw this, I knew it was the end. The deal was slipping through our fingers. We tried in vain to appease them and had an electrician come out yesterday in an effort to fix some of things on their list. It didn't matter. They were done. This woman who is well into her adult life apparently has some issues with her parents. I should also mention that this woman has 3 children, all of whom she doesn't have custody of. I don't know what this says about her, but there are dynamics in that family that we were briefly sucked into. Mother fuckers.
So, we're back on the market, and because of the inspection we now have to disclose every stupid little thing that is wrong with our some what older home. frick. I'm trying to maintain a positive attitude, but what the fuck. I keep remembering what the medium told me. He said we would be out of this house in two months. On the bright side, there is a guy interested, and hopefully we'll have a showing this weekend. I'm just so tired of the roller coaster.. anyway, in my house today are 7 kids.. 4 of whom are ill. why am I blogging? I don't know..


Leigh said...

because you need to vent this crap out and because it COMPLETELY F'ING SUCKS that it's even happening. WTF? Seriously. WTF?
I am frustrated for you and hope that it won't be much longer. Hang in there

Anonymous said...

OH NO....the rat bastards! I have enough hormones raging through me right now I wouldn't mind making a trip "somewhere" to "talk" a little sense into that mother/ just let me know!

Anonymous said...

Ctale, why do you have hormones raging? Do you have something to tell? Are you up the duff?

Sorry Xianfern, I was distracted. This stinks. Bigtime.