Monday, August 04, 2008

"No, I said shut your ASS, not your MOUTH"

This is what I heard my 5 year old son tell his big brother yesterday in the car, giggling all the while. My husband and I were speechless, which is not to say that we couldn't help laughing out loud. But after we told him that it was a bad word, and to please not say it again, we regained some composure and wondered where he learned that word. He couldn't remember.. This is what I'm guessing.. either the Family Guy, or the Simpsons.. a couple of shows that I learned last week their dad lets them watch sometimes.. when I'm not home.

I am constantly amazed at what my dear husband thinks is good, or not good for our kids.. Pop tarts, not so good. Foul mouthed cartoons for immature adults, not so bad.

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