Tuesday, August 05, 2008

She looks too cute to be dangerous, don't ya think?

Here is one of my girls, in a shirt I found that one of my good friends gave me a while back. It is completely fitting that she be wearing this shirt, with this particular statement on it. She's the twin who gave me a black and blue eye a few weeks back, and the one who has decided the only way to communicate with anyone is by giving them a good bitch slap on whatever body part she can reach. It's charming. Unfortunately, she has decided that hitting my sister's 9 month old twins is a great way to let out some of her pent up aggression (although why someone who lives like a queen would have pent up anything is beyond me) She's learning, and by god, if I don't end up bitch slapping her myself in the process, then we might be in pretty good shape!

1 comment:

Ballard Greener said...

Jenn says I'm afriad to visit your blog.....not true....I've been looking at it daily.