Thursday, November 03, 2005

She deserves some props!!

One of my best friends (blogless) has been having a very hard time recently. Her father is recovering from bacterial meningitis. He's been in the hospital for 2 weeks and is leaving for a rehab facility tonight. I have to give blogless some props. She's been an amazing daughter over the past two weeks. She's spent numerous over nights at the hosptial with her dad. She's been more of a nurse to him than anyone getting paid to do so. She's taken charge of his care, and he's truly a lucky man to have such a dedicated daughter. It doesn't help that her mom's got some issues (won't go into them here, blogless knows that she needs a blog just about her mother) She's had so much to contend with. And it's not as if she's got nothing else going on, she has 2 small children who she cares for as well, and a sister with a disability. I gotta say, if anything ever happened to me, I want her by my side helping me out!
We've all been praying for her dad, he's a great guy- pretty damn funny too! We all know where blogless get's her sense of humor! He married my husband and I, as well as blogless and her husband. So, send some good thoughts her way! She could use em!

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

yes she does deserves many props! I don't know if I'd do as much as she's done!
But seriously, where's her friggin blog???