Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Today has been a "wtf" kind of day.. It actually started in the middle of the night, when my kids and I start playing musical beds.. I ended up spending most of the night in my oldest sons twin bed, with him. Then at 5:30, when I hear my husband get out of the shower, I returned to my bed where my youngest is sleeping comfortably (thank god that everyone else is sleeping well!)
My husband came up at 7 to say he was leaving, my oldest had been downstairs with him for about 30 minutes, and my youngest was still fast asleep. He also wanted to tell me that the kitchen was a mess... no kidding.. I only knew this because I hadn't cleaned it from dinner last night, and if I hadn't cleaned it than no one had. I was a bit pissed when I got downstairs to see that my son hadn't had breakfast yet, and my husband hadn't even made his lunch for school. Basically he sat on the couch and got caught up on the news, had his breakfast.. relaxed. I wish I had a morning like that once in a while.. I didn't say anything, til tonight when he got home.. And how does he react?? Like it's my fault, and that if he had emptied the dishwasher, I would have been upset at how loud it was, and he didn't want to wake up my youngest son. Ugh!! Funny that I unloaded the dishwasher, and loaded it while he slept..
It's not like I don't want to be doing these things.. It's because I shouldn't be! I hate to use the pregnancy card.. which I think he thinks I do.. If I'm not getting my way, I'll just remind him that I'm pregnant with twins.. I did mention what my day was like yesterday, having contractions and what not.. Does he think I like feeling like this? I sure as hell don't want to have to depend on him, he's the only person I know that isn't being supportive, and he's the one who should be the most.
Whatever. I'm sure I'll feel differently when he apologizes later..
So, then I come to work, my haven.. and I can relax for a bit.. and get my head in a better place.. I ran into our housekeeper.. the language barrier.. And she's smiling at me as I'm waddling down the hallway, and she says "Oh, xianfern getting so FAT" WTF????? I don't care about the language barrier.. who says that to a pregnant woman??? Anyway, I'm heading home in a few.. going to bed.. and trying to forget this day ever happened!!

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