Thursday, May 17, 2007

I found a long lost relative yesterday.. My dear cousin.. one that I haven't seen in almost 9 years.. He was a huge part of my life growing up.. his parents lived with us for some time back in "the day" and he's been like a brother to me.. a brother that has all of his teeth, and that doesn't have a gazillion children, like my very own blood brother (ick)
I don't know why I hadn't found him sooner.. Life happens, and people lose touch.. His father and my mother are siblings.. they haven't spoken in over 17 years (the lovely dysfunction that is my family) But we have always remained in contact.. however, I don't know what happened in the past 9 years for us not to communicate, but that isn't as important as the fact that I know where he is now, I have his email address, and he is going to get so sick of me!
He's married.. and lives in Micronesia (a place I had never heard of) It's far far away, near the Philippines.. He's currently in the Peace Corps and has been for several years. Him and his wife are trying to have a baby..
He was just in NH visiting, but didn't know where I was, or how to contact me. I think we've both just grown accustomed to our own lives, and how much easier it was to be a part of the isolation of our extended families rather than to step on any ones toes.. It's been ugly in our family over the years.. but like he said, it's our parents bullshit, not ours!
Happy to have him back in my life! And he had better stay there this time! :)

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