Thursday, March 20, 2008

Dressing Up is Fun to Do!!

A good friend of mine came to visit me the other day. It was nice to see him, it had been a while, since him and his wife live down in Mass. I had all the kids that day, and he had taken off the day from work because his job was stressing him out. I wasn't sure if hanging out with me and 6 kids under 4 was going to be less stressful, but he came to visit anyway.

He brought his camera, and got this great shot of my youngest son. I'm not sure where his desire to dress in women's clothing comes from... perhaps it feels good on his skin, although, he says he's dressing like a baby, and not a girl.. ok, they ARE baby clothes, but GIRL baby clothes.. Anyway, what a cutie! I love this outfit he's in here.. if you look closely, you'll see two bucks in the front pocket of the shirt!

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