Saturday, March 29, 2008

I Have 4 Kids, and NO Band Aids..

At least I didn't until this morning. It's not like I just ran out or anything, I haven't had any in months. We don't buy them because the kids are scared of them. Yup, we're raising some pretty brave individuals over here!
However, it is kind of a crucial thing to have in a household this big. Someone is bound to step on the General Grievous action figure from Star Wars and bust open the bottom of her toe. And it's bound to bleed a little, and maybe even get on the floor. A well organized mother would have band aid after band aid on hand for this minor emergency.
But we're talking about me, and the fact that I have all my kids even dressed this morning is a miracle.
I did get the band aids though, and my toe is feeling much better, so thank you!


christhadasister said...

What exactly do your kids find scary about band aids?? Is it the weird way that they stick to your skin- are they afraid of adhesive?? You might want to change the name of your blog to Raising 4 scaredy cats in NH! :)

calibosmom said...

I am constantly buying band-aids and it seems that when I need one, there are only two left in the box and they are knuckle or giant bandaids. Not sure where they disappear to.

Anonymous said... what i do to my 5 year old...tell them their toe,arm, ear, finger etc...will fall off if you don't wash it off and put a band aid on it. lol It works for me=P