Sunday, March 30, 2008

I guess I really don't do it all..

Having my husband absent from the daily running of our household the last 4 days, has given me a new appreciation for what I never realized he was even doing.

Like holding a crying baby, while I held the other.

Bringing in buttloads of wood and getting up at 2 a.m. to stoke the fire.

Doing homework with our oldest son (which turns out to be why I miss him the most..I'm REALLY bad at 2nd grade math.. I was actually shocked! I mean it's SECOND grade!)

Getting up at the crack of dawn with our oldest.

Brushing about a hundred teeth.

Making popcorn on Friday night.

Giving the boys their vitamins (which I just remembered I forgot to do!)

Getting the mail.

Taking out the trash.

Lots and lots of stuff. It's been busy, and I'm looking forward to him getting home tonight. I miss him.. Here's a video of the babies dancing to their Daddy's music.. they miss him so much, I never realized how devastated they would be.. It's not like I left.. haha. Hearing his music put them in a great mood though..

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

That is so cute- she's quite the dancer!!