Wednesday, April 16, 2008

He just should not answer the phone!

My son's teacher just called me. It's an early release day and my son was claiming that he was supposed to go over to a friends house, but there was no note from me to say that he could. There's no note because I hadn't heard anything about this. So she had no choice but to send him home. I know he's going to be furious when he gets here, and the thing is, it's not my fault. Not one bit. I checked our caller id and there was his friends number, they called last night while I was at work, and I guess the pinhead who took the call forgot to relay the message to his wife, who does everything around here. Ugh. I've put a call into my husband at school, and tried calling the friends mom, but she's not home yet. The problem is that I can't bring him over, I've got all the kids today and not enough buckles in my loser cruiser.
I'm hoping the mom offers to come get him, they live about 1/2 a mile away, and she's very nice.. otherwise, I'm going to have 2 really pissed people here. I love it when my husband and I mesh as a team! I hardly feel single at all during those times!

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