Sunday, May 04, 2008


Our house was woken up this morning, around 6 by the screams of my oldest son. I have never heard him like this before. In the 2.6 seconds that it took me to get to his room, I had every horrible scenario flashing through my head.. every ridiculous thought that could be compressed in those 2 seconds emerged as I ran for my screaming son. I thought that perhaps he had woken up in his own blood, with a limb somehow mysteriously missing.. or that he had suffered some sort of spinal cord injury and could not feel his legs. The screams were that wrenching.. so much so that his little brother was running from the room screaming himself because he too was so afraid of the screams coming from his older brother. This of course woke the girls up, who also started in on the screaming. It was a fine wake up call..
So, you must be wondering at this point what all the fuss is about! I didn't know whether to scream myself, or just burst out laughing.. There was (hold on, you're not going to believe this..) a MOTH in my sons room. A really. big. moth.
At that point the moth was just sitting on the wall, most likely frozen there by the screams.. After my heart stopped pounding out of my chest, I grabbed some toilet paper, and mercilessly flushed the moth out to sea. Poor little moth.
I then told my son to go back to sleep because 6 a.m. is too early to be up on a Sunday.. He said he would, right after he got some new pajama's.. Apparently the moth had scared the piss right out of him.. Poor little boy.


christhadasister said...

Poor little guy... that is too funny. Definitely not how I'd want to be woken on a Sunday morning.

Heidi said...

i'm reading this at 9am on a sunday and it's still too early for screaming.

Ballard Greener said...

So at what point do our kids start resenting us and these blogs?

Mrs. Samanthacat said...

To Mr. ballard.. I enjoy the blog and so does Mr. C... We would never know about the daily goings on's of the Greener's and the Fern's. I look forward to reading the postings. Mr. C. is working today and the first thing he asked me when I got home from work was "did you read the family blog. Mr. C's brother is also looking formward to chit-chatting with the family.