Tuesday, June 13, 2006


My son had his last day of kindergarten today.. This school year has flown by, and it makes my heart ache a bit to see how much he's grown up since last fall. I'm so proud of how well he did, and how he adjusted so nicely. His classroom had a play today, and all the parents/grandparents and every other relative, squeezed into the room to watch them sing and act. For a bunch of 6 year olds they did very well. There was one song that they did completely in sign language it was great! My husband couldn't make it, but I videotaped most of it for him. His teacher made them all cd's with a slide show on it. There were a bunch of different events on it, from their first field trip to go apple picking, to field day just a couple of weeks ago.
I thought it was a great send off for the kids.. My son is excited about having summer vacation, and about going back and being in first grade.. It'll be interesting to see how he and his brother do having so much time together this summer.. I'm guessing there will be a lot of playing, fighting, crying.. all that fun stuff!!

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