Saturday, January 27, 2007

What goes thump in the night??

Your baby.. if you're so tired that you let her fall asleep on your chest, on the couch at 1:30 in the morning, convinced that you'll only shut your eyes for a minute.. that is until 30 minutes later when you wake up to the sound of your child screaming, as she lays on the floor. And then forget about getting any sleep for the rest of the night because you will be sleeping with her, checking every 5 minutes to make sure she is still breathing.
I can't even express the guilt, and sheer terror I felt for letting this happen. Thankfully she was ok, but jeez, it did nothing but make me feel like a shitty parent. I'm hoping they sleep better tonight..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no! I'm not looking forward to when this happens to me - although I did already hit mine in the face by accident and that damaged me enough! I thought every mom was supposed to have some kind of experience when they dropped their baby once. My sister rolled off the changing table when she was little. I can imagine how you feel though! you poor thing!