Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Are you happy now?

A recent post by Contagious and how her brother in law sort of proposed, made me think of my own proposal.. It was my 25th birthday, and I had been with my then boyfriend for 6 years. He knew that I was getting impatient, and wanted a ring soon. I knew he would save it for some occasion, and would never just do it on any old day.. so when the previous Christmas came and went and all he got me was a pair of doc martens, and a coat, I was on alert for every holiday that passed.. Valentines came and went.. Easter (no ring) And then my birthday in June.
He woke me up at 6:15 before he was about to go to work to give me my birthday present. I was waiting eagerly in our room.. and he came in with a huge, heavy box.. I thought this was going to be Christmas all over again, more shoes.. another coat, but inside the box, was a pile of books and another box, a smaller one! I knew this was it! I opened it, and there was this beautiful antique white gold engagement ring.. I was a flutter! Before I could react, or say anything, my then boyfriend, looked at me and calmy said "Are you happy now?" Not, "will you marry me?" Or any cliche crap like that.. Just "are you happy now?" And you know, I was! I didn't care that he'd just ruined that wonderful moment, or that this story would be retold til the day he died, and that he in fact would have to live with the regret of not making that moment more special- which he does. But I was just happy that he'd finally agreed to marry me! I was afterall, quite a catch! ;)

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

You are quite a catch and he's lucky you said yes- although, if he didn't technically "ask," did you ever really say yes? Hmmmm...