Tuesday, September 20, 2005

As serious as a heart attack

When my brother was 6, he got run over by a car. He was fine. When he was 14, a tree fell on him. He was also fine. When he was 17 he broke his neck in a car accident. Again, he was fine. When he was 33 he tried offing himself.. no luck, and he was fine. Yesterday he had a heart attack (he's 38 now) Yes, he's fine.
He needs to change some things about his lifestyle.. e.g. the 2 pack a day cigarette habit, the endless booze, and the numerous drugs. We never thought he would live as long as he has.. he's defied all odds, and the poor schmuck is still with us!
I'm sorry for the lack of compassion here.. I try.. but when you have a brother like mine, it's never surprising, or shocking.. merely another chapter in his rather pathetic life. I have no love for him, except for the whole yea he's my brother thing. But unlike how I feel about my mom, where I can say anything I want about her, but nobody else better had.. You can say all you want about him. And please feel free.. He's probably the biggest loser I know, in fact he definitely is. The only good thing he's ever done is to know that he could never be father to the 8 or 9 children he's brought into this world. I'll give him some credit for that. But that's it!
So, as he recovers in his hospital bed, wondering if anyone cares that he's there, I hope he knows I could care less! I know.. I know.. that's very harsh. However, I say that with no regret, and with much reason. Sometimes the world would be a better place without certain people in it!

1 comment:

christhadasister said...

Ouch! As serious as a heart attack and almost as painful!
Though you know I share your sentiment... remember when we used to care what people said about him? I sometimes watch the Maine news just to see if I'll see him on it...